NEET Notes Handwritten for Biology , Chemistry and Physics

Preparing effectively for NEET requires clear, concise, and well-structured notes. At My NCERT Notes, we provide high-quality, topic-wise notes for Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, making it easier for students to understand concepts and excel in their exams. Our notes are written in simple language and focus on covering the entire syllabus comprehensively. Here’s an overview of what these notes include:

NEET Notes Biology

Biology is a crucial subject in NEET, and our notes ensure in-depth coverage of all topics:

  • Topics such as Digestion and Absorption, Breathing and Exchange of Gases, and Body Fluids and Circulation explain essential human physiology processes.
  • Environmental and ecological concepts like Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Environmental Issues are explained with clarity to ensure students grasp their real-world significance.
  • Genetics and molecular biology are covered through topics like Human Genetics, Evolution, and Biomolecules.
  • Other sections include applied biology topics like Microbes in Human Welfare, Biotechnology Applications, Animal Husbandry, and Plant Breeding.
  • Anatomy and zoology are detailed in Animal Diversity, Structure Organisation in Animals, and Reproductive Health.


ChapterView LinkDownload Link
Digestion and AbsorptionViewDownload
Organisms and Their EnvironmentViewDownload
Breathing and Exchange of GasesViewDownload
Microbes in Human WelfareViewDownload
Structure and Organisation in AnimalsViewDownload
Animal DiversityViewDownload
Animal HusbandryViewDownload
Animal Health and DiseaseViewDownload
Human GeneticsViewDownload


ChapterView LinkDownload Link
Environmental IssuesViewDownload
Body Fluid and CirculationViewDownload
Human PhysiologyViewDownload
Reproductive IssuesViewDownload
Application of BiotechnologyViewDownload
Plant BreedingViewDownload
Excretory SystemViewDownload

NEET Notes Chemistry 

Chemistry is divided into Physical, Organic, and Inorganic Chemistry for better comprehension.

  • Physical Chemistry: Topics like Mole Concept, Chemical Kinetics, Electrochemistry, Solutions, and Thermodynamics build a solid foundation for problem-solving in numerical questions.
  • Organic Chemistry: Includes General Organic Chemistry, Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers, Hydrocarbons, and Amines. Each topic is explained with reaction mechanisms, examples, and naming conventions for IUPAC nomenclature.
  • Inorganic Chemistry: Covers crucial chapters like Chemical Bonding, Periodic Table, Coordination Compounds, and D and F Block Elements. Practical knowledge is provided in sections such as Environmental Chemistry and Metallurgy.

Here is the table for the NEET Notes Chemistry :

Chemical BondingViewDownload
P-blocks (Group 15)ViewDownload
Environmental ChemistryViewDownload
General Organic ChemistryViewDownload
Haloalkanes and HaloarenesViewDownload
Ionic EquilibriumViewDownload
Surface ChemistryViewDownload
Chemical EquilibriumViewDownload
Mole ConceptViewDownload
D and F BlockViewDownload
IUPAC NomenclatureViewDownload


Alcohol, Phenol, and EtherViewDownload
Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic AcidsViewDownload
Structure of AtomViewDownload
Periodic TableViewDownload
Chemical KineticsViewDownload
State of MatterViewDownload
Coordination CompoundsViewDownload
Solid StateViewDownload

NEET Physics Notes

Physics requires conceptual clarity and a strong command over numerical applications. Our Physics notes cover the following areas:

  • Mechanics and Motion: Concepts like Motion in a Straight Line, Work, Energy, and Power, Center of Mass, and Rotational Motion are explained step by step for easy understanding.
  • Thermodynamics and Oscillations: Includes chapters such as Thermal Properties of Matter, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Oscillations, and Waves.
  • Electromagnetism and Optics: Topics like Electric Charges and Fields, Electromagnetic Induction, Wave Optics, and Alternating Current prepare students for both theoretical and practical questions.
  • Modern Physics: Includes chapters on Atoms, Nuclei, Semiconductors, and the Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter.

The notes focus on making abstract concepts tangible through simplified explanations, examples, and diagrams.

Here is the table with the chapter, view, and download links for the NEET notes in Physics:

ChapterView LinkDownload Link
Wave OpticsViewDownload
Ray OpticsViewDownload
Electromagnetic InductionViewDownload
Dual Nature of Radiation and MatterViewDownload
Current ElectricityViewDownload
Mechanical Properties of SolidsViewDownload
Work, Power, and EnergyViewDownload
Magnetism and MatterViewDownload
Motion in a PlaneViewDownload
Simple Harmonic MotionViewDownload
Moving Charges and MagnetismViewDownload
Motion in a Straight LineViewDownload


ChapterView LinkDownload Link
Mechanical Properties of FluidsViewDownload
Alternating CurrentViewDownload
Electric Charges and FieldsViewDownload
Center of MassViewDownload
Unit and DimensionViewDownload
Basic MathsViewDownload
Law of MotionViewDownload
Rotational MotionViewDownload
Thermal Properties of MatterViewDownload
Electric Potential and CapacitanceViewDownload
Electromagnetic WavesViewDownload

Why Choose Our Neet Notes?

Our NEET notes stand out because they are designed with the following features:

  • Comprehensive Content: Every topic is covered in detail, ensuring you don’t miss any important concepts.
  • Simplified Explanations: Concepts are broken down into easy-to-understand segments, making learning less overwhelming.
  • Student-Friendly Format: Organized content ensures quick revision and better retention.

Visit My NCERT Notes to access these specially curated notes for Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, and prepare confidently for your NEET exams!

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